Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chapter 9

compared with several decades ago, how common are food related illnesses today?
  • Food related illness is much more common today because of the way in which it is being produced.
  • Before the average outbreak would be among a small town or community and even then most weren't life threatening.
  • today 200,000 people are sickened, 900 are hospitalized, and fourteen killed.
  • Illness is so common lately because of the poor conditions the animals are in before slaughter, they are tightly packed, thousands squished together, and if one has is sick they all become sick (all info above founded on pages 194-195)
What authority does the U.S. government have on recalling Tainted meat?
  • The U.S. government can recall a baseball bat, vacuum, a CAR, and even a simple teddy bear; but they cannot recall tainted meat.
  • how is this possible? or legal?
  • The members of our congress have close relations with the meat packing industries which means they have men on the inside, making sure any harmful acts or laws are not passed.
  • how is it that we can recall a paper, which at most can give you a paper cut, but we cannot recall meat tainted with E. Coli that could kill millions? (founded on pages 196-197)

What was the first national hamburger chain & what did it do to try to change the image of the hamburger?
  • the first hamburger chain was White Castle.
  • They tried to change the view of the hamburger in a number of ways.
  • they assured customers fresh meat was actively supplied to the chain.
  • They also conducted a study at the University of Minnesota where a student survived for 3 weeks on white castles and water (note after a month of McDonalds, the man from super size me nearly died and damaged his body in ways unimaginable in that short of time)
  • pg. 197-198

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